
sulla mia pelle

Tony Zanchi had a life before prison, before all those years spent in a claustrophobic cell, and the time has now come to regain that life. Ready, he finds a job at a dairy owned by Alfonso and Bianca Cimarosa. It isn’t exactly what he expected out there: it is hard for semi-release prisoners like him; it is a race against time. Just as he struggles to hold the pieces together, Tony witnesses Alfonso’s beating: the company’s debts have led him and Bianca into the wrong hands. In prison, Tony had learned to mind his own business, to stay out of trouble, but he is now called upon to fight back, to defend his freedom. If the dairy fails, he will find himself jobless, and will go back to being a simple prisoner. His only solution is to establish solidarity with his employers and try to get out together. After years in darkness, he will do anything to safeguard his freedom, a promise of happiness that he feels on his skin like a ray of sunshine breaking through the bars. Sometimes, however, too much light can blind you…

  • Year: 2003
  • Format: 101’
  • Genre: Drama
  • Produced by: Cross Productions


Ivan Franek
Vincenzo Peluso
Donatella Finocchiaro
Stefano Cassetti
Mario Scarpetta
Antonio Pennarella
Riccardo Zinna



Rosario Rinaldo

Valerio Jalongo

Written by:
Gualtiero Rosella, Valerio Jalongo, Enzo Civitareale and Diego De Silva

Alessandro Pesci

Luciana Pandolfelli

Set designer:
Giancarlo Muselli

Costume designer:
Carolina Olcese

Paolo Buonvino